I don't recall ever getting winter depression. However, I fear I have fallen victim to it this season. The days are too short. Today, when I stepped outside my door I felt myself recoil and get instantly pissed off. Yuck. This too shall pass.
My succulent cuttings seem to have no problem with the winter. Here they are in all their glory, the survivors, anyhow. A customer at the Firefly works for the Botanical Conservatory and brought me a bunch of random leaflets. About 1/2 of them (shown here) have rooted. Hooray!
A random photo of some old stencils. Since I haven't blogged in so damned long, here's a little extra for you rascals who read this shit. :)
Below are a couple shots of a painting I've been working on for Jean. I really loved the way the oil looked next to the ink under-drawing.
I've been invited to participate in the Orchard Gallery's "The Artful Box" in March. Below is the third box I've started. The first two are being scrapped and can be seen in the background. I've got this crazy thing in my head about brown and complimenting it with pink, teal, orange, yellow, etc. So far it hasn't worked out so well. The first two were done in oil and the medium did not look very good on the boxes. The third is watercolor. I can dig it so far.
And last, but certainly not least, are some sketches from tonight's drawing session at Artlink. I am really happy with the hands below. Hands are a bitch to draw! So, for one of the sessions I focused only on the hands and feet. This pose was perfect because the model was bent over with his hands above his feet. Time ran out just as I was getting to the feet. This sketch turned out pretty well.
Ah, ran out of time for the penis. Dang. That's a pretty nice leg, though.