Tuesday, June 23, 2009

some words from miro

"When I see the sun or the crescent of the moon in the immense sky, I'm absolutely overwhelmed...
I get my ideas from the simplest things. I prefer a plate out of which a peasant is eating his soup to the ridiculously ornate plates wealthy people use... For me, an object is something alive. A cigarette, a matchbox have a life that is much more intense than that of certain humans. When I see a tree, I receive a shock...
When I'm not satisfied with a picture I feel a physical uneasiness as if I were sick, as if my heart were not beating correctly, as if I couldn't breathe, as if I were suffocating...
I work like a gardener...
...in becoming truly a man one becomes capable of communicating with all men...
But in order to truly become a man, one must get rid of one's false self...In other words, it is necessary to return to anonymity...
...a deeply individual gesture is anonymous. And by anonymous, it makes it possible to attain the universal. I am convinced that the more individual something is, the more it becomes universal.
...to seek out the noise hidden in silence, the movement in immobility, the infinite in the finite, forms in emptiness and myself in anonymity."

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