Monday, May 25, 2009

Friday, May 22, 2009

a little break

Ah, a little break. Time to paint.

The monster show is coming up and I am super excited! Work should start rolling in this coming week and I can't wait to see it all. It should be a good display of what this little community and network I've been building is made of.


Here is a little painting I did today. It's not for the monster show, but an off shoot. A little something that's been stirred up in my brain by the monster show.


I love nice thoughts. It's always nice when people have a nice idea, but sometimes that's all it is, a nice thought. I feel like lately I've been losing my faith in humanity. It won't last, it's just been tough recently. The best way I can explain how I come to this idea "I love nice thoughts" is by way of religion. There are so many nice fluffy ideas floating around brought about by religion. But, really? That's a nice way of coping with ie. minimizing/clouding the tough stuff.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

another form of art


Pre-carrot apple soup. Yum! I love cooking, yet another form of art. This boxy american culture that we live in drives me nuts when it comes to food. Food is food, food is nourishment, food is beautiful and amazing, food is not salt and flavored fillers in a box.

a little introduction

Hello, friends.

While this blog will be mostly about art and what not, but first I want to introduce to you a couple of people that make it all possible. These two are what keep me going everyday. Sometimes they make me want to jump out a window as well, but that makes them pretty cute, too.

They are so lovely.

Bad food makes us angry.


Friday, May 15, 2009

Oh, Ezra!

Wow, it has been a long time since I even remembered creating this blog! I was not a happy camper in Aurora. Obviously I am home now. :)

Starting again, let's post some art.

